Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bad day, then a better day

Okay, so it's been a day or two since I've posted, and these past two days have been eventful. I've worked a garage sale, busted out my coin collection, gained and lost weight, and had a great time hanging out with some amazing friends.

Yesterday morning, I was in the collegeville and woke up late for the garage sale we were hosting to raise money for SNE (womp womp). I showered, brushed my teeth, ran out the door without breakfast and arrived just in time to see that everything was already set up and they were fine without me. I stayed anyways.

We raised a sweet amount of money to get us to the other side of the country (towards the Canada side) but we had quite a bit of stuff left over. It was a bit of a chore to get everything loaded up, but by the time we started packing up the stuff a random surge of energy hit me. This is never a good sign.

This sudden surge of energy lasted all day, and well into the morning. I let out my energy the way I usually do when I'm around my friends; I see how much I can creep out my friend, let's call her Betty, I jump up and down, I make random comments about anything and everythiing, I eat food, I get too productive, and there was this one time when I tap danced (lost a bet). The list of things I've done while on this energy high is ever expanding, and yesterday was no exception. It's like a constant slurpee day in my mind! You really can't beat that, can you? Of course not!

Now to the point of this whole blog post. What I did that night. It's no coincidence that the best days of my summer have been spent actually out of my house doing things with people. Last night was no exception, but it was different. I've spent too much time this past semester and this summer to myself, and I've finally had time to just hang out with a couple of guys. Zane and Marcos, two aweseome friends, have always just turned up when I needed to hang out and forget things for a while. Hanging out with these guys is different then hanging out with other guys, for sure. We can actually talk about real things that matter, pray together, joke about almost anything, and unlike hanging out with other guys we aren't just roaming around a looking for a good time. We are growing together and building a brotherhood.

But then the day had to end and things took an interesting turn. I hate to be mysterious about this, but I just can't say exactly what happened. At least not on a blog post. I had hit a new wall, metaphorically (definitely not literally). I had to face an old demon that I thought had long since gone away. I'm a different person then I was back when I first faced this challlenge, and things seem harder this time. I won't keep talking about it all mysterious-like if I'm not going to say what it is, but I can definitely say that this summer definitely just got interesting.

I won't talk about what happened today. It's not very interesting. I cleaned, organized the medicine cabinet, and I worked on my coin collection some. Nothing majorly interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I have to escape with good friends too. It sounds like you had a real fun time. I hope whatever it demon you are fighting won't discourage you in any goals you have. We all see them, but remember there is always a tomorrow.
