Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Week 1

Today was day one of something I pray I actually stick with this time. Weightloss. A not-so-fun, always American topic, and I feel a little bit like a walking cliche' by even talking about it but I have too. It's time to start thinking about it. It was time to start thinking about this a long time ago but then I broke my foot and had to stay off it so working out wasn't really an option. It seems like there's always an excuse, but this time will be different. It already is.

I have some huge goals I want to accomplish in this area and it's going to take me the better part of a year to get there, but this has been on my to-do list for a while. This is different then any of my previous attempts at losing weight in that I actually have set goals this time. General goals such as; I want to feel good about myself, I want to be more active, I want to not feel so freaking self-conscious about my my weight, etc. And I also have set up some more specific goals, such as; weekly weight-loss goals, weekly BMI goals, and overall goals in each area I'm striving to get too. I've never set up smaller goals before. I usually just go for the big goal and try to push through. Here, though, I have a system set up where I get quite a few victories rather then just one.

Here's an example of one of my big goals. I want to have lost 49 lbs. by the end of the year. That's a lot of weight to lose, and it's probably not gonna happen on my timeline, but it will happen eventually. Here's an example of one of my smaller goals. I want to lose 2 lbs by next Wednesday. Not quite so scary. :)D

I put that "D" underneath that smiley face on purpose. It represents his happy, second chin!

Typically, people lose more weight in the beginning and it gets harder to lose as time goes on. In the beginning, I'll probably end up losing more then 2 lbs a week for a couple of weeks, at least. But eventually I'll end only losing about a single pound a week, which occurs at my plateau weight. My plateau is at 220 lbs, so that's the only obstacle that I see right now. Getting down to 220 lbs is actually not gonna be that hard. All I need to do is SOME sort of activity, which is more then what I can say of myself lately.

Another thing I'm gonna say is that I really don't want to go to the gym until I get down to a certain weight. Basically, I'll be doing a whole bunch of cardiovascular stuff like walking, running, riding my bike, etc. and also learning how to treat my body better with what sort of foods I'm eating. Once I can prove to myself I can eat right and keep up the basic healthy activities I'll feel better about doing more intense stuff. Probably at about that time I'll ask one of the guys at school to help me out and hold me accountable as well. But, I've always been better at planning these things then actually doing them so it's anyone's guess how this will turn out.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you really have seem to be thinking about this. Even did some research. I can relate because there are some things I wouldn't mind changing. Like my nose. lol. It's pretty weird looking. You are very brave for admitting this on the internett and I applaud you!.
