Friday, June 24, 2011

"Streamlining my appearance"...slang for growing up

I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night, and it was annoying. I read a textbook to try and bore me to sleep, but that didn't even work. I found the freaking book INTERESTING! Kinda wish I read the textbook when I took the class, now. But I only read for about an hour before I was fed up with myself and got out of bed. They say that the worst thing you can do when you can't sleep is just stay in bed, so I decided to do something productive until I was ready to sleep, so I started organizing my room.

Considering it was about 1:30 in the morning I'm sure my family heard me and thought I was crazy. I started cleaning out drawers in my nightstand, then my dresser, then I cleaned out my closet, and then threw out some more clothes I hadn't worn in forever, and actually started to make the place livable again. I wasn't annoyed that I was awake still, either. They say your room's cleanliness affects your mood, and I've found it to be true. If my room's a mess, my life's a mess. Lesson relearned.

One thing I have been wanting to do is do a complete wardrobe change. I got rid of all the old T-Shirts with print on them and kept all my shirts that were just nice, plain T-shirts. I'm not saying my closet is the equivelent of a male fashion guru, but it's definitely closer to what I would want to wear on a regular basis. Decent clothes to go out in public with decent people and look...decent. What else could you ask for?

I feel like I should clarify something before I sign off. I'm not trying to change me. I like me. I think I'm pretty cool. My problem is that I have a hard time communicating who I am to other people. That's what this is about. Making real connections with people, and that only comes from helping others see me as I see me. Hence, the weight, wardrobe, and attitude change. This may sound shallow, but I just want others to love me as much as I love me. Thank God for my friends that already do, too. :)

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