Thursday, June 23, 2011

Running forward

I'm really not doing that bad on my summer goals. I actually can't believe I'm saying it, but I may actually accomplish them. I've never completed everything on my summer to-do list before, so I'm mega pumped. It's not just finishing my to-do list, it's what happens after that I'm excited about.

I'll get to bust out my guitar and jam with my friends, instead of just watching in amazement, wear clothes that aren't large enough to fit a manitee, and I'll actually have more energy. I'm alrady kinda sorta feeling that last one, but it will be significantly better once I've lost more weight.

I want to approach everything differently next year, and that's why I'm starting now. My music, clothing, personality, body, mood, grades, prayer life, etc. all kinda ride on my motivation to get my summer goals achieved, and it's actually happening. As I'm chugging along through my first couple of goals, I'm researching and getting ready for the next few things I want to make happen and it's also looking pretty do-able. I'm not looking for a complete 180 of my life because there are a lot of parts of myself I like. I'm just focusing on fixing those few minor details I've always wanted to get around too.

Tomorrow is particularly a big day because I have lost enough weight to warrent new pants. Yay. Getting something else to workout in would be nice, too, because my walking pace is starting to pick up quite a bit, and week after next my schedule has me starting my running. Can't believe that time is so close, either! Most people would think I'm crazy for putting off running for this long and just going with walking, but I have a schedule and pace I like to follow, and it's worked out so far. May need to invest in running shoes, too. My shoes are not very good for running, so losing weight has just started to get expensive...

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