Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Greatest freaking day, ever!

...and if not ever, then it's definitely the greatest freaking day I've had in a long time. I can definitely rate this as the best of the summer, it all started the moment I got up.

I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought was, "'s weigh-in day". So I crossed my fingers, tried to come up with a reason why I shouldn't have to put up with this sort of torture every week (I couldn't think of one) and stepped on the scale. And...I LOST ANOTHER TWO POUNDS! After not losing any last week, it feels good to have lost some more. That brings my total weight loss to 10 lbs this summer, and I happen to know for a fact that I'm down a pants size from when I started, so I can't wait until the day I have to hold my pants up even with a belt! Unfortunately, that might be sooner then I would like, if I keep this up. I really don't have money for new clothes and I'm trying to lose weight meaning I'm going to end up as Jerrod from Subway who holds on to his fat clothes forever. Mine isn't exactly out of choice, however.

Another good tidbit of news is that my eye is no longer swollen shut! I can blink like a normal person and can even wink (ladies). I took some antihistemine yesterday to bring down the swelling so nobody would notice today and it would have worked, but my mom had to go and tell everyone about it anyways. I have no choice but to forgive her, though. She never once embarrassed me in high school so she gets some freedom to do so for the rest of my life. There are boundaries, though. I'm not saying she gets a free reign on my life, but I can afford to cut her some slack now and then. Because I'm such a good son. Or at least that's what I tell myself at night to sleep.

WHIIIIIIIIIIIIICH bring me to my next point. I actually haven't been sleeping at night. Weird that even on meds my body doesn't know what to do when I'm laying in bed with the lights off and I close my eyes. My body goes all stupid and is like, "hey, where'd the party go" and stays up all night while I wish I could get even an hour's sleep.

In other news, I dropped my socks in the toilet today on accident because they somehow got tangled up in my towel when I went to shower. I threw them in the dryer and put them in my little brothers sock drawer and I like to think of myself as a better person for it.

Oh, and I went to the coin store today. I picked up a bunch of coins I didn't have for my collection. WAR TIME NICKELS! These things are hard to find because they are made without any actual Nickel. During the war it was a precious resource so they suplemented Silver, thus the price of these Nickels is reflected in how well Silver is doing in the market. And I got a few more United States Quarters. I'm a super nerd about coin collecting for only a couple months out of the year so please forgive me when I say "I CAN'T WAIT TO GET ALL FIFTY STATE QUARTERS IN THE PHILLY MINT!"

In other news, I think I may have traded my cool card for my nerd card today. Man card still intact. More word on this to follow.

Oh, and I played Zelda today...

This post brought to you by the number purple. OKAY, THANKS FOR READING! BYE!

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