Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yet ANOTHER post. Wow, I'm annoying.

Okay, so today has had some annoyances, but I've honestly had a great day. Very chill, very laid back, and nothing that exerted too much energy. Considering nothing went as I planned, today has not been that bad at all.

I woke up today and found that my eye was swollen shut. Clearly, I was not going to work out like this, nor did I really want to leave the house and drive with only one eye, so I did what any reasonable person would do and I played Zelda (I beasted it, too), played piano, and watched TV. I kinda wish I could have worked out today because my weigh-in is tomorrow, but I'm not gonna dwell on it too much. It is what it is.

Not gonna try and milk a boring day into anything it's not (like, say an interesting day, for example). Just keeping myself posting frequently otherwise I never will.

Oh, and I'm just gonna say that I found a new face wash recently, and DANG my skin looks good. Smoother then a baby's butt. Not that I've ever touched a baby's butt. Don't plan on changing any diapers until I have a kid of my own (well into my fifties).

Imma peace before this post gets any more uncomfortable for you or for me, and fingers crossed that tomorrow's weigh-in is good!

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