Saturday, July 9, 2011

She offered to make me a sandwich. I proposed. Simple as that.

Slurpee day: Just discovered something exciting! Weight loss doesn't mean I have to give up slurpee day! Turns out that a small slurpee only has 60 calories in most flavors so next semester's slurpee days are still a go! I even went and had a slurpee today because they were free for 7/11/11. It was so good to have one of those again! I feel like I've been seriously missing those.

Weight Loss: My weigh in is coming up in a couple of days and I'm not so sure about this one. I know I haven't been for the past couple of days, but I've taken a risk and started taking in a few more calories. I feel like I was way under what I should have been consuming in a day, so hopefully this doesn't hurt me in my efforts. And no run/walk today, either. A couple of friends from San Marcos randomly decided to show up at my door step so I really didn't have an option. It was good to see my friends, though. I have to say that my friends are amazing and I'm so lucky to have them, even if they do make me fat.

Now, as promised, a list of things I will say to athiests in the afterlife.

* Told you. (This is tops of everyone's list)

* Waking up early for Sunday morning church doesn't seem so silly now, does it?

* What, does this really surprise you? Bruce Lee kicking Chuck Norris' butt was a surprise. We told you about this one.

* "Yeah, God's real. He's everywhere. You can't hide yo kids, hide yo wife, or yo husbands cause He's blessing errbody out there." -Antoine interjecting during legitimate discussion with recently deceased atheist.

* A two-year old's attempt at coloring inside the lines of a coloring book is more accurate then the History Channel's depiction of God. Don't worry, he's not that bad. Come on! Let's go meet Him! He has donuts and coffee. It's just like at church!

* "I'm sorry, athiests check in at the motel right there by the gate. Bazinga! Just kidding!" -St. Peter

* Don't worry, we won't treat you any differently here for having disbelieved in your lifetime. However, you will be rooming with Ahmed Best, the voice actor for Jar Jar Binks. Sorry.

* We disagreed on political and religious levels during your lifetime. Can we at least admit that Harry Potter would have rocked out loud with an eighties montage?

Okay, that's all of them. I'm slowly getting back into my usual train of thought for these but, to be honest, it's hard to write these and stay appropriate. I have a million more but they'd offend half of China, all of America, Montreal, midgets, and Sarah Palin. I decided it would be best to keep these to myself. Sorry, Sarah.

Tomorrow's forecast: Bad times to shout the phrase, "I've mastered it!"

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