Friday, July 22, 2011


Random fact of the year: Men can lactate. There was a video of it on Tosh.0 and I'm scarred for life. Thanks to man lactation (Mantation), I'm going to have to answer the age old question with an astounding; "YES. Apprently, we do got milk." Who'd a thought?

Weight loss: I lost another two pounds this week and I'm happy. I did it mostly with dieting because I've been too lazy to go running. It's nice to know, though, that running it totally an option for me and taking a break hasn't affected my weightloss one bit. It's actually kind of weird.

The confusion: My priest said to me the other day, and quite randomly so, that I should consider what it is that God is asking me to do with my life. People live there whole lives trying to figure out their purpose and my priest says to me, "I think it's time you looked into that more. He might be calling you to something."

First of all, I'm now confused as to what my priest knows that God hasn't told me. Second, it's really weird that he should have asked me this question when a few days before I find myself considering the same question. Twilight zone? It just may be.

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