Saturday, July 9, 2011

Was she corpulant? No, just very round in the middle.

Today, I made a new life decision for myself. I'm going to do a 5k. That's what my whole weightloss will be about. When I lose enough weight and gain enough muscle to do a 5k, I will officially be...half way through losing all the weight I need to. Whatever.

So I took a good long hard look at myself today and realized that I am the most self conscious person alive. How self conscious am I? I'll tell you.

I'm so self conscious about my masculinity I question my DOGS sexuality.

I'm so self conscious about my athleticism I wonder if my grandma could out run me in a marathon.

I'm so self conscious about my bodily functions that I say "I'm sorry" after I sneeze.

I'm so self conscious about how I walk that I think paraplegics think I walk funny.

I'm so self conscious about my clothes that I'd trust a color blind persons opinion over my own on whether or not I color coordinated my clothing.

I'm so self conscious about my piano playing I say I had Elton teach me. That's why my piano skills are so gay...(this was bad)

I'm so self conscious about my spelling I think I've spelled the word "conscious" wrong this entire blog...

Okay, so I think I got my point across. That just so happened to be my only point (other then the point my head comes too. Badoom crash! I'm self conscious about my head, so please don't laugh). I guess that means it's time to go. Peace!

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