Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Am I the only guy to have a thing for his dental hygienist?

My day: I went to the dentists office today and got the young, attractive dental hygienist again. I don't know how I always end up with the young ones when half the time the place is run by old ladies. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying. Unfortunately she was also a little forceful, being very proactive in making me uncomfortable and bleed. "Oops, did I get you?" was a common phrase uttered in my 45 minute visit there. I didn't respond but I wanted to say, "No, I always bleed randomly from my gums like that. You don't think that's a problem, do you?"

I also was planning on going to San Marcos today because I thought some friends of mine were going to watch Harry Potter in preperation for the final movie coming out. Turns out they decided to watch it a few days ago and forgot to mention it to me. Funny how that happens.

Weight Loss: I weighed in a day early because I thought I'd be in Collegeville tomorrow, and it turns out that I have lost two more pounds! That brings my total weight loss to fourteen pounds for the summer. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Funny how I always convince myself I've gained and I always end up losing.

People who lose weight are always excited about losing pounds. They, like me, exclaim it. I wonder if they do that in Britain and if it ever causes confusion, considering a pound is also their form of currency. I have to find a British person and ask...

I promised to have today's list be about innappropriate times to say "I've mastered it", but after I took out the really hilarious yet inappropriate ones, I was left with two, so no list today.

Tomorrow's forecast: What I would say if my future child asked where babies came from.

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